
I have devoted my entire career to designing learning experiences that serve the learners needs, not my own. It's easy for any learning designer to get caught up in all the great ideas they have for how to design a learning experience that they would enjoy and would help them learn. But all groups of learners are different and have different needs. I prefer to take a learner-centered approach, not a designer-centered one. At every step, my focus is on how my design choices will benefit the learner, even if it brings additional challenges for me.


I am a helper and a giver, especially of my time. I've coached recreational athletes of all ages, taught community education classes when I recognized there was a need, and have been unofficial tech support in my previous professional stops. I've volunteered to mentor new hires, create training experiences, and serve on committees that I know could benefit from my perspective and expertise.


I have devoted my entire career to designing learning experiences that serve the learners needs, not my own. It's easy for any learning designer to get caught up in all the great ideas they have for how to design a learning experience that they would enjoy and would help them learn. But all groups of learners are different and have different needs. I prefer to take a learner-centered approach, not a designer-centered one. At every step, my focus is on how my design choices will benefit the learner, even if it brings additional challenges for me.


I am unapologetically a helper and a giver, especially of my time. I've coached recreational athletes of all ages, taught community education classes when I recognized there was a need, and have been unofficial tech support in my previous professional stops. I've volunteered to mentor new hires, create training experiences, and serve on committees that I know could benefit from my perspective and expertise.

Let's work together!

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